Sex is an Attachment Behavior!
There are lots of blogs and blog posts that quote the research that extolls the virtues of sex. Here’s one that identifies the hormones release during orgasm. Oxytocin is the “cuddle hormone” along with other endorphines such as dopamine, and some that act like an analgesic to pain. This is all true, and there’s plenty of…
Read More“I Hate You! Don’t Leave Me!” Sound Familiar?
How Accessible are you and your partner to each other? How Responsive are you and your partner to one another? How emotionally engaged are you with each other? A.R.E. you there for each other? These are the real questions underneath we are looking for the answers to when we are with our partners! Yes, REALLY!!…
Read MoreWAIT! What Just happened???
Have you ever been talking with your partner and suddenly something is said, something else is said, and then in a matter of seconds things are bad and you don’t know what happened? Or you felt something shifts and then boom, things are bad between you? It’s like it flew by you so fast and…
Read More“We Don’t Need to Go to Therapy!”
I make a living as a counseling psychologist, and I do alright. However, I think I would be making a LOT more money if I had a dollar for every time I heard a client say in my office that “my husband said he didn’t think we needed to come to therapy.” Or “My wife…
Read MoreAttachment Styles: A Blueprint for Relationships
What is your attachment style? Why would this be important to know about yourself and your partner in your relationship? Would any contractor ever begin to build a home without first creating a blueprint? Of course we know that the blueprint is an outline, a design, carefully thought out about everything that will be pertinent…
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